Monday, February 20, 2012

W6- Organic Food

Since we've started reading The Omnivore's Dilemma I've really been thinking about the things that I put into my body. I've been catching myself reading the back of foods at the grocery store and found that it's true that corn is in everything. I'm trying change my diet now to look more like that of Joel Salatin, but obviously I'm not going to be able to get all of my food at a farm full of fresh food. The plan then is to try and switch to a more organic diet- even if it isn't beyond-organic like Salatin's meals.

So I tried out the organic food section in Kroger and tried to examine closely the ingredients that I want to avoid. What I ended up getting at Kroger were a few organic foods, but what most of my cart was still filled with was the standard food stuffs that I have been eating throughout college. I ended up getting some frozen chicken strips, Dr. Pepper 10, Coke, some fresh crab cakes from the seafood section (which I may say turned out amazing), some sushi, milk, and raisin bran. I felt like a few things from my prior life would have to stay in my new diet, after all it would just be too tough to quit cold turkey. Oh and I also got some fresh deli meat cause I just can't go back to eating the packaged stuff that I grew up eating. I would have gotten everything else organic if I could have gone to some kind of Whole Foods, but this is all I had and I took it, but still some of those things are just way too pricey- $5 for milk- that's absolutely ridiculous. Other then those items though I did get organic food and have tried out all of them.

Okay so the first food I had out of my organics foods was a honey dipped beef jerky. This jerky only had about 6-8 ingredients and was probably the best jerky I have ever had in my life. I would name the ingredients right now, but it was so good that I already ate it all and threw away the package. The next thing I tried out was my GoLean Crunch cereal this morning. The box has a big logo that proudly reads NO HIGH FRUCTOSE CORN SYRUP FOR 25 YEARS. I must say that this cereal was delicious too and even was true to it's claims that it keeps you full longer.

Some other stuff I got were some Blue Tortilla Chips that are really good, but a little bit too pricey for an average size bag. I also picked up some organic nacho cheese sauce that went really good with the blue chips and had a decent price tag to go along with it. Another thing that I got were Spinach Pizza Rolls that for some odd reason were very appealing to me. I haven't had the chance to try them out yet, but I expect that they'll be very good because of how tasty all of the other organic foods have been. Other then the price tags there is nothing I dislike about the taste of these foods, so the plan's going well so far and I plan to keep trying different organic food and hope that I have a change in my overall diet.

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