Wednesday, January 25, 2012

W3- Teachers

When it comes to cooking- I'm not the man that anybody should want making dinner for them. My cooking skills don't go beyond putting some freezer food into the oven or grilling the simplest of meals on the stove top. Some of the specialties that I've been know to cook up on visits from my brother or some of my friends from my hometown are- the frozen viola meals that come in bags that you just dump into a frying pan and let it pretty much cook itself. There are of course the college requirements to have chicken sticks, $1 pizzas, pizza rolls, fish planks, etc. Those things are easy for me to prepare for visitors, and to be quite honest I sometimes get these foods just so my company has something quick to eat that I wont mind giving away.

There are plenty of these little freezer foods that I have learned to get from my friends. My friend DJ introduced me to the viola's that can be whipped up really quick and taste better then 90% of other freezer food at a decent price to boot. DJ was my roommate for 3 yrs and introduced me to many fast cooking- high calorie food, but it was another roommate from last year that showed me a lot of healthy alternatives. Nathan showed me many fruit snacks that I particularly like, one of which was to add fruit such as cranberries into my cereal. I have no idea why I never thought to do this...probably because my taste in cereals was one of the only foods that hadn't evolved from a childlike state till recently, but the addition of fruit adds a rather nice taste that provides healthy benefits. To go along with something non-food related that Nathan brought to my attention was to eat those adult gummy vitamins. They're definitely a good boost of energy in the morning and I suggest them to anybody.

Probably the one food teacher I've benefited the most from is like many other people- my Mom. Mom has taught me to make spaghetti, grilled chicken, and pasta dishes. Although my renditions of these family favorites can't compare to Mom's dishes, they do provide me a good source for dinners that I can prepare myself. The best thing that I ever learned to cook from my Mom is something that I can actually make with a result that's very similar to that of my Mom's own. One of things that was mentioned in the explanation for this blog post was the grilled cheese that your friend gave you an alternative way of preparing, and that is precisely what my Mom had taught me. Even though I hate not being able to cook up grilled cheese the right way, I will resort to making it the alternative way. When I do make it the right way I'd be hard-pressed to find something I'd rather have for lunch. I still think that my Mom makes the best grilled cheese, after all there's nothing like being at home while Mom cooks up something delicious. I'd like to add that the best way in the world to have  grilled cheese is with ketchup. I don't know why, but that is the way that I ate grilled cheese as a kid, and continue to do it that way to this day.

The one last thing I'd like to add is putting chips on sandwich's. My best friend Aaron showed me this technique in middle school and I've done it this way on turkey, salami, bologna, etc sandwich's to this day. I recommend this to everybody when preparing their next lunch meat sandwich.

1 comment:

  1. Putting chips on sandwiches is awesome. I will have to give the grilled cheese-n-ketchup a try, as my grandmother has made me weirdly fond of ketchup on my macaroni and cheese.
